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Functions to facilitate reading CSV transaction files downloaded from the Rostido website.

rostido_fname() returns the name of a Rostido Bank CSV format transactions file as a character string.

most_recent_fname() finds the Rostido Bank CSV format transactions file incorporating the most recent date within its name among those in a specified folder.

read_rostido_csv() reads a CSV format transactions file downloaded from the Rostido website and returns the contents as a data frame.


rostido_fname(.date, filepath = NULL)

  filepath = NULL,
  trydate = Sys.Date(),
  earliest = as.Date("2024-02-01"),
  fun = rostido_fname




Date object, the date to be incorporated into a filename string.


character string, the path to a folder in which to conduct the file search; default NULL.


Date object, the most recent date within the file name from which to start the search; default Sys.Date().


Date object, the earliest date within the file name beyond which the search is discontinued; default as.Date("2024-02-01").


function, used to incorporate .date into a filename search string; default rostido_fname.


character string, the name of a CSV file to be read.



A character string representing a filename incorporating a date, of the form "Downloadyyyymmdd.csv", with attributes "date", a "Date" object, and "filepath", corresponding to the argument of the same name (if supplied).


An object comprising a character string representing a filename incorporating a date as specified in fun.


CSV transaction file data formatted by Rostido Bank, as a dataframe.


rostido_fname() returns a character string representing the name of a CSV format transactions file downloaded from the Rostido website by concatenating the strings "Download", a date of the form "yyyymmdd" and the extension ".csv" e.g., "Download20240401.csv"

most_recent_fname() searches the current folder or a folder specified using filepath for a filename incorporating a date specified by the .date argument, typically the current date obtained using the default Sys.Date(). The filename incorporates the date as specified by fun, typically the default rostido_fname() as above. If no such file exists, filenames incorporating earlier dates are searched for successively until either a corresponding file is found or the search is discontinued upon reaching the date specified in the earliest argument.

read_rostido_csv() reads a transactions CSV file as downloaded from the Rostido website using read.csv() and returns the contents as a data frame. The file to be read is specified in the filename argument and is located in the folder specified in that argument's "filepath" attribute if it has one, otherwise in the current working directory.

See also


   dnldpath <- "~/Rostido Bank/Downloads"

#> [1] "Download20241024.csv"
#> attr(,"date")
#> [1] "2024-10-24"

   ## __________________________
   ## Current account 55545372

   rostido_fname(Sys.Date(), file.path(dnldpath, 55545372))
#> [1] "Download20241024.csv"
#> attr(,"date")
#> [1] "2024-10-24"
#> attr(,"filepath")
#> [1] "~/Rostido Bank/Downloads/55545372"

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
   (file.path(dnldpath, 55545372) |>
       most_recent_fname() |>
} # }

   ## __________________________
   ## Savings account 55596784

   rostido_fname(Sys.Date(), file.path(dnldpath, 55596784))
#> [1] "Download20241024.csv"
#> attr(,"date")
#> [1] "2024-10-24"
#> attr(,"filepath")
#> [1] "~/Rostido Bank/Downloads/55596784"

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
   (savacc <- file.path(dnldpath, 55596784) |>
       most_recent_fname() |>
} # }