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known_s3generics() tabulates "known" S3 generic functions.

s3_in_namespace() tabulates S3 methods in a loaded namespace.


known_s3generics(.arrange_by = across(Generic:Namespace))

s3_in_namespace(namespace, .arrange_by = Method)

# S3 method for class 'info_df'
print(x, ...)



<data-masking> names of columns or functions for ordering results using the syntax of dplyr arrange(). Use desc() to sort by a variable in descending order.


(unquoted) name of a namespace.


A data.frame with class attributes c("info_df", "catapult", "data.frame") and columns Generic and Namespace for known_s3generics(), and Generic, Class and Method for s3_in_namespace(), as follows: -


character, the generic function name.


character, the namespace environment of the generic or "primitive" in the case of primitive (internally implemented) generics.


character, the class for the method.


character, the full method name.


known_s3generics() returns a data.frame of "known" S3 generic functions, based on two character vectors in the base package namespace, namely .knownS3Generics and .S3PrimitiveGenerics.

s3_in_namespace() returns a data.frame of S3 methods in a loaded namespace.


R Internals: 1.2.2 Namespaces.

See also

.knownS3Generics, .S3PrimitiveGenerics class, getS3method, loadNamespace, methods and UseMethod.

Other methods: S3_Method_Debug, method_info()


#> _______________________________
#> "Known" S3 Generic Functions: -
#>  Generic        Namespace  
#>  AIC            stats      
#>  Complex        base       
#>  Math           base       
#>  Ops            base       
#>  Summary        base       
#>  add1           stats      
#>  anova          stats      
#>  anyNA          "primitive"
#>        "primitive"
#>  as.character   "primitive"
#>  as.character   base       
#>  as.complex     "primitive"
#>  base       
#>  as.double      "primitive"
#>  as.environment "primitive"
#>  as.environment base       
#>  as.integer     "primitive"
#>  as.logical     "primitive"
#>  as.matrix      base       
#>  as.numeric     "primitive"
#>  as.raw         "primitive"
#>  as.vector      base       
#>  biplot         stats      
#>  c              "primitive"
#>  cbind          base       
#>  coef           stats      
#>  confint        stats      
#>  contour        graphics   
#>  deviance       stats      
#>  df.residual    stats      
#>  dim            "primitive"
#>  dim<-          "primitive"
#>  dimnames       "primitive"
#>  dimnames<-     "primitive"
#>  drop1          stats      
#>  edit           utils      
#>  extractAIC     stats      
#>  fitted         stats      
#>  formula        stats      
#>  hist           graphics   
#>  identify       graphics   
#>  image          graphics   
#>  is.array       "primitive"
#>  is.finite      "primitive"
#>  is.infinite    "primitive"
#>  is.matrix      "primitive"
#>          "primitive"
#>  is.nan         "primitive"
#>  is.numeric     "primitive"
#>  labels         base       
#>  length         "primitive"
#>  length<-       "primitive"
#>  levels<-       "primitive"
#>  lines          graphics   
#>  log10          "primitive"
#>  log2           "primitive"
#>  logLik         stats      
#>  matrixOps      base       
#>  model.frame    stats      
#>  model.matrix   stats      
#>  names          "primitive"
#>  names<-        "primitive"
#>  pairs          graphics   
#>  plot           base       
#>  points         graphics   
#>  predict        stats      
#>  print          base       
#>  profile        stats      
#>  qqnorm         stats      
#>  rbind          base       
#>  rep            "primitive"
#>  rep            base       
#>  residuals      stats      
#>  se.contrast    stats      
#>  seq            base       
#>        "primitive"
#>        base       
#>  sequence       base       
#>  solve          base       
#>  str            utils      
#>  summary        base       
#>  t              base       
#>  terms          stats      
#>  text           graphics   
#>  update         stats      
#>  vcov           stats      
#>  xtfrm          "primitive"
known_s3generics(.arrange_by = across(Namespace:Generic))
#> _______________________________
#> "Known" S3 Generic Functions: -
#>  Generic        Namespace  
#>  anyNA          "primitive"
#>        "primitive"
#>  as.character   "primitive"
#>  as.complex     "primitive"
#>  as.double      "primitive"
#>  as.environment "primitive"
#>  as.integer     "primitive"
#>  as.logical     "primitive"
#>  as.numeric     "primitive"
#>  as.raw         "primitive"
#>  c              "primitive"
#>  dim            "primitive"
#>  dim<-          "primitive"
#>  dimnames       "primitive"
#>  dimnames<-     "primitive"
#>  is.array       "primitive"
#>  is.finite      "primitive"
#>  is.infinite    "primitive"
#>  is.matrix      "primitive"
#>          "primitive"
#>  is.nan         "primitive"
#>  is.numeric     "primitive"
#>  length         "primitive"
#>  length<-       "primitive"
#>  levels<-       "primitive"
#>  log10          "primitive"
#>  log2           "primitive"
#>  names          "primitive"
#>  names<-        "primitive"
#>  rep            "primitive"
#>        "primitive"
#>  xtfrm          "primitive"
#>  Complex        base       
#>  Math           base       
#>  Ops            base       
#>  Summary        base       
#>  as.character   base       
#>  base       
#>  as.environment base       
#>  as.matrix      base       
#>  as.vector      base       
#>  cbind          base       
#>  labels         base       
#>  matrixOps      base       
#>  plot           base       
#>  print          base       
#>  rbind          base       
#>  rep            base       
#>  seq            base       
#>        base       
#>  sequence       base       
#>  solve          base       
#>  summary        base       
#>  t              base       
#>  contour        graphics   
#>  hist           graphics   
#>  identify       graphics   
#>  image          graphics   
#>  lines          graphics   
#>  pairs          graphics   
#>  points         graphics   
#>  text           graphics   
#>  AIC            stats      
#>  add1           stats      
#>  anova          stats      
#>  biplot         stats      
#>  coef           stats      
#>  confint        stats      
#>  deviance       stats      
#>  df.residual    stats      
#>  drop1          stats      
#>  extractAIC     stats      
#>  fitted         stats      
#>  formula        stats      
#>  logLik         stats      
#>  model.frame    stats      
#>  model.matrix   stats      
#>  predict        stats      
#>  profile        stats      
#>  qqnorm         stats      
#>  residuals      stats      
#>  se.contrast    stats      
#>  terms          stats      
#>  update         stats      
#>  vcov           stats      
#>  edit           utils      
#>  str            utils      

#> ____________________________________
#> S3 Methods in Namespace BitsnBobs: -
#>  Generic       Class          
#>  as_decdeg     latnlon        
#>  as_degmin     latnlon        
#>  as_degminsec  latnlon        
#>  sum_degminsec decdeg         
#>  sum_degminsec degmin         
#>  sum_degminsec degminsec      
#>  sum_minsec    decdeg         
#>  sum_minsec    degmin         
#>  sum_minsec    degminsec      
#>  sum_sec       decdeg         
#>  sum_sec       degmin         
#>  sum_sec       degminsec      
#>  as_decdeg     coord          
#>  as_decdeg     numeric        
#>  as_degmin     coord          
#>  as_degmin     numeric        
#>  as_degminsec  coord          
#>  as_degminsec  numeric        
#>  as.double     coord          
#>  as.double     decdeg         
#>  as.double     degmin         
#>  as.double     degminsec      
#>  format        coord          
#>  format        coordpart      
#>  format        latnlon        
#>  print         catapult       
#>  print         coord          
#>  print         info_df        
#>  print         latnlon        
#>  print         rostido        
#>  print_all     MethodsFunction
#>  print_all     cohens_kappa   
#>  print_all     data.frame     
#>  print_all     default        
#>  print_all     htest          
#>  print_all     tbl            
#>  print_all     tbl_df         
#>  rbind         rostido        
#>  as_decdeg     latnlon        
#>  as_decdeg     latnlon        
#>  as_degmin     latnlon        
#>  as_degmin     latnlon        
#>  as_degminsec  latnlon        
#>  as_degminsec  latnlon        
#>  sum_degminsec decdeg         
#>  sum_degminsec decdeg         
#>  sum_degminsec degmin         
#>  sum_degminsec degmin         
#>  sum_degminsec degminsec      
#>  sum_degminsec degminsec      
#>  sum_minsec    decdeg         
#>  sum_minsec    decdeg         
#>  sum_minsec    degmin         
#>  sum_minsec    degmin         
#>  sum_minsec    degminsec      
#>  sum_minsec    degminsec      
#>  sum_sec       decdeg         
#>  sum_sec       degmin         
#>  sum_sec       decdeg         
#>  sum_sec       degmin         
#>  sum_sec       degminsec      
#>  sum_sec       degminsec      
#>  Method                                                                                                            
#>  as_decdeg.latnlon                                                                                                 
#>  as_degmin.latnlon                                                                                                 
#>  as_degminsec.latnlon                                                                                              
#>  sum_degminsec.decdeg                                                                                              
#>  sum_degminsec.degmin                                                                                              
#>  sum_degminsec.degminsec                                                                                           
#>  sum_minsec.decdeg                                                                                                 
#>  sum_minsec.degmin                                                                                                 
#>  sum_minsec.degminsec                                                                                              
#>  sum_sec.decdeg                                                                                                    
#>  sum_sec.degmin                                                                                                    
#>  sum_sec.degminsec                                                                                                 
#>  as_decdeg.coord                                                                                                   
#>  as_decdeg.numeric                                                                                                 
#>  as_degmin.coord                                                                                                   
#>  as_degmin.numeric                                                                                                 
#>  as_degminsec.coord                                                                                                
#>  as_degminsec.numeric                                                                                              
#>  as.double.coord                                                                                                   
#>  as.double.decdeg                                                                                                  
#>  as.double.degmin                                                                                                  
#>  as.double.degminsec                                                                                               
#>  format.coord                                                                                                      
#>  format.coordpart                                                                                                  
#>  format.latnlon                                                                                                    
#>  print.catapult                                                                                                    
#>  print.coord                                                                                                       
#>  print.info_df                                                                                                     
#>  print.latnlon                                                                                                     
#>  print.rostido                                                                                                     
#>  print_all.MethodsFunction                                                                                         
#>  print_all.cohens_kappa                                                                                            
#>  print_all.default                                                                                                 
#>  print_all.htest                                                                                                   
#>  print_all.tbl                                                                                                     
#>  print_all.tbl_df                                                                                                  
#>  rbind.rostido                                                                                                     
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     structure(lapply(object, as_decdeg), class = "latnlon"), }                        
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     structure(lapply(object, as_decdeg), class = "latnlon"), }                        
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     structure(lapply(object, as_degmin), class = "latnlon"), }                        
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     structure(lapply(object, as_degmin), class = "latnlon"), }                        
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     structure(lapply(object, as_degminsec), class = "latnlon"), }                     
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     structure(lapply(object, as_degminsec), class = "latnlon"), }                     
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric(with(object, deg)), }                          
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric(with(object, deg)), }                          
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric(with(object, deg + min/60)), }                 
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric(with(object, deg + min/60)), }                 
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric((with(object, deg) + sum_minsec(object)/60)), }
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric((with(object, deg) + sum_minsec(object)/60)), }
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric((sum_degminsec(object)%%1 * 60)), }            
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric((sum_degminsec(object)%%1 * 60)), }            
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric(with(object, min)), }                          
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric(with(object, min)), }                          
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric(with(object, min + sec/60)), }                 
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric(with(object, min + sec/60)), }                 
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric((sum_minsec(object)%%1 * 60)), }               
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric((sum_minsec(object)%%1 * 60)), }               
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric((sum_minsec(object)%%1 * 60)), }               
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric((sum_minsec(object)%%1 * 60)), }               
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric(with(object, sec)), }                          
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric(with(object, sec)), }                          
s3_in_namespace(BitsnBobs, .arrange_by = across(Class:Generic))
#> ____________________________________
#> S3 Methods in Namespace BitsnBobs: -
#>  Generic       Class          
#>  as_decdeg     latnlon        
#>  as_decdeg     latnlon        
#>  as_decdeg     latnlon        
#>  as_degmin     latnlon        
#>  as_degmin     latnlon        
#>  as_degmin     latnlon        
#>  as_degminsec  latnlon        
#>  as_degminsec  latnlon        
#>  as_degminsec  latnlon        
#>  format        latnlon        
#>  print         latnlon        
#>  sum_degminsec decdeg         
#>  sum_degminsec decdeg         
#>  sum_degminsec decdeg         
#>  sum_minsec    decdeg         
#>  sum_minsec    decdeg         
#>  sum_minsec    decdeg         
#>  sum_sec       decdeg         
#>  sum_sec       decdeg         
#>  sum_sec       decdeg         
#>  as.double     decdeg         
#>  sum_degminsec degmin         
#>  sum_degminsec degmin         
#>  sum_degminsec degmin         
#>  sum_minsec    degmin         
#>  sum_minsec    degmin         
#>  sum_minsec    degmin         
#>  sum_sec       degmin         
#>  sum_sec       degmin         
#>  sum_sec       degmin         
#>  as.double     degmin         
#>  sum_degminsec degminsec      
#>  sum_degminsec degminsec      
#>  sum_degminsec degminsec      
#>  sum_minsec    degminsec      
#>  sum_minsec    degminsec      
#>  sum_minsec    degminsec      
#>  sum_sec       degminsec      
#>  sum_sec       degminsec      
#>  sum_sec       degminsec      
#>  as.double     degminsec      
#>  as_decdeg     coord          
#>  as_degmin     coord          
#>  as_degminsec  coord          
#>  as.double     coord          
#>  format        coord          
#>  print         coord          
#>  as_decdeg     numeric        
#>  as_degmin     numeric        
#>  as_degminsec  numeric        
#>  format        coordpart      
#>  print         catapult       
#>  print         info_df        
#>  print         rostido        
#>  rbind         rostido        
#>  print_all     MethodsFunction
#>  print_all     cohens_kappa   
#>  print_all     data.frame     
#>  print_all     default        
#>  print_all     htest          
#>  print_all     tbl            
#>  print_all     tbl_df         
#>  Method                                                                                                            
#>  as_decdeg.latnlon                                                                                                 
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     structure(lapply(object, as_decdeg), class = "latnlon"), }                        
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     structure(lapply(object, as_decdeg), class = "latnlon"), }                        
#>  as_degmin.latnlon                                                                                                 
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     structure(lapply(object, as_degmin), class = "latnlon"), }                        
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     structure(lapply(object, as_degmin), class = "latnlon"), }                        
#>  as_degminsec.latnlon                                                                                              
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     structure(lapply(object, as_degminsec), class = "latnlon"), }                     
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     structure(lapply(object, as_degminsec), class = "latnlon"), }                     
#>  format.latnlon                                                                                                    
#>  print.latnlon                                                                                                     
#>  sum_degminsec.decdeg                                                                                              
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric(with(object, deg)), }                          
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric(with(object, deg)), }                          
#>  sum_minsec.decdeg                                                                                                 
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric((sum_degminsec(object)%%1 * 60)), }            
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric((sum_degminsec(object)%%1 * 60)), }            
#>  sum_sec.decdeg                                                                                                    
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric((sum_minsec(object)%%1 * 60)), }               
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric((sum_minsec(object)%%1 * 60)), }               
#>  as.double.decdeg                                                                                                  
#>  sum_degminsec.degmin                                                                                              
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric(with(object, deg + min/60)), }                 
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric(with(object, deg + min/60)), }                 
#>  sum_minsec.degmin                                                                                                 
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric(with(object, min)), }                          
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric(with(object, min)), }                          
#>  sum_sec.degmin                                                                                                    
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric((sum_minsec(object)%%1 * 60)), }               
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric((sum_minsec(object)%%1 * 60)), }               
#>  as.double.degmin                                                                                                  
#>  sum_degminsec.degminsec                                                                                           
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric((with(object, deg) + sum_minsec(object)/60)), }
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric((with(object, deg) + sum_minsec(object)/60)), }
#>  sum_minsec.degminsec                                                                                              
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric(with(object, min + sec/60)), }                 
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric(with(object, min + sec/60)), }                 
#>  sum_sec.degminsec                                                                                                 
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric(with(object, sec)), }                          
#>  function (object, ...) , {,     check_dots_empty(),     as.numeric(with(object, sec)), }                          
#>  as.double.degminsec                                                                                               
#>  as_decdeg.coord                                                                                                   
#>  as_degmin.coord                                                                                                   
#>  as_degminsec.coord                                                                                                
#>  as.double.coord                                                                                                   
#>  format.coord                                                                                                      
#>  print.coord                                                                                                       
#>  as_decdeg.numeric                                                                                                 
#>  as_degmin.numeric                                                                                                 
#>  as_degminsec.numeric                                                                                              
#>  format.coordpart                                                                                                  
#>  print.catapult                                                                                                    
#>  print.info_df                                                                                                     
#>  print.rostido                                                                                                     
#>  rbind.rostido                                                                                                     
#>  print_all.MethodsFunction                                                                                         
#>  print_all.cohens_kappa                                                                                            
#>  print_all.default                                                                                                 
#>  print_all.htest                                                                                                   
#>  print_all.tbl                                                                                                     
#>  print_all.tbl_df                                                                                                  

s3_in_namespace(utils) |> head(40)
#> ________________________________
#> S3 Methods in Namespace utils: -
#>  Generic        Class                  Method                       
#>  $              bibentry               $.bibentry                   
#>  $              person                 $.person                     
#>  $<-            bibentry               $<-.bibentry                 
#>  $<-            citation               $<-.citation                 
#>  $<-            person                 $<-.person                   
#>  .AtNames       default                .AtNames.default             
#>  .DollarNames   default                .DollarNames.default         
#>  .DollarNames   environment            .DollarNames.environment     
#>  .DollarNames   list                   .DollarNames.list            
#>  Ops            roman                  Ops.roman                    
#>  Summary        roman                  Summary.roman                
#>  [              bibentry               [.bibentry                   
#>  [              getAnywhere            [.getAnywhere                
#>  [              news_db                [.news_db                    
#>  [              person                 [.person                     
#>  [              roman                  [.roman                      
#>  [[             bibentry               [[.bibentry                  
#>  [[             hashtab                [[.hashtab                   
#>  [[             person                 [[.person                    
#>  [[<-           hashtab                [[<-.hashtab                 
#>  as.character   person                 as.character.person          
#>  as.character   roman                  as.character.roman           
#>  bibentry            
#>  person                
#>  as.environment hashtab                as.environment.hashtab       
#>  as.person      default                as.person.default            
#>  as.personList  default                as.personList.default        
#>  as.personList  person                 as.personList.person         
#>  c              bibentry               c.bibentry                   
#>  c              person                 c.person                     
#>  close          txtProgressBar         close.txtProgressBar         
#>  edit           data.frame                 
#>  edit           default                edit.default                 
#>  edit           matrix                 edit.matrix                  
#>  edit           vignette               edit.vignette                
#>  format         MethodsFunction        format.MethodsFunction       
#>  format         aspell                 format.aspell                
#>  format         aspell_inspect_context format.aspell_inspect_context
#>  format         bibentry               format.bibentry              
#>  format         citation               format.citation              
s3_in_namespace(utils, .arrange_by = across(Class:Generic)) |> head(40)
#> ________________________________
#> S3 Methods in Namespace utils: -
#>  Generic       Class                  Method                       
#>  print         Bibtex                 print.Bibtex                 
#>  str           Date                   str.Date                     
#>  print         Latex                  print.Latex                  
#>  format        MethodsFunction        format.MethodsFunction       
#>  print         MethodsFunction        print.MethodsFunction        
#>  str           POSIXt                 str.POSIXt                   
#>  head          array                  head.array                   
#>  tail          array                  tail.array                   
#>  format        aspell                 format.aspell                
#>  print         aspell                 print.aspell                 
#>  summary       aspell                 summary.aspell               
#>  format        aspell_inspect_context format.aspell_inspect_context
#>  print         aspell_inspect_context print.aspell_inspect_context 
#>  $             bibentry               $.bibentry                   
#>  $<-           bibentry               $<-.bibentry                 
#>  [             bibentry               [.bibentry                   
#>  [[            bibentry               [[.bibentry                  
#> bibentry            
#>  c             bibentry               c.bibentry                   
#>  format        bibentry               format.bibentry              
#>  print         bibentry               print.bibentry               
#>  rep           bibentry               rep.bibentry                 
#>  sort          bibentry               sort.bibentry                
#>  toBibtex      bibentry               toBibtex.bibentry            
#>  transform     bibentry               transform.bibentry           
#>  unique        bibentry               unique.bibentry              
#>  print         browseVignettes        print.browseVignettes        
#>  print         changedFiles           print.changedFiles           
#>  $<-           citation               $<-.citation                 
#>  format        citation               format.citation              
#>  print         citation               print.citation               
#>  edit          data.frame                 
#>  head          data.frame             head.array                   
#>  prompt        data.frame               
#>  stack         data.frame                
#>  str           data.frame                  
#>  tail          data.frame             tail.array                   
#>  type.convert  data.frame         
#>  unstack       data.frame              
#>  .AtNames      default                .AtNames.default