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Geographic or GPS coordinate class


  .fmt = c("decdeg", "degmin", "degminsec"),
  .latorlon = c(NA, "lat", "lon", "both")



numeric, representing one or more coordinates.


character string indicating the format of x; must be one of "decdeg" (default), "degmin" or "degminsec".


a character string, either "lat" or "lon" indicating whether the coordinate(s) represented are of latitude or longitude or "both" indicating a pair of of latitude and longitude coordinates; otherwise it must be NA (the default).


An object of class "coord" or if length(x) > 1, a list of such objects, each instantiating a coordinate. See Details.


coord() creates a robust representation of a geographic or GPS cordinate based on the value of x or, if length(x) > 1, a number of such coordinates instatiated as objects of class "coord". Objects of "coord" class contain a list with one, two or three numeric values named "deg", "min", "sec", depending on whether the cordinate in question is represented in decimal degrees, in (integer) degrees and (decimal) minutes, or else in (integer) degrees, (integer) minutes, and (decimal) seconds.

The value provided in argument x should have a decimal point after the integer number of degrees in the case of decimal degrees, after the integer number of minutes in the case of degrees and minutes, and after the integer number of seconds in the case of degrees, minutes and seconds

"coord" objects have character attribute latorlon, which may be "lat" for latitude, "lon" for longitude or NA, and a logical attribute "negative", which when TRUE signifies a negative coordinate i.e., S or W rather than N or E.

If length(x) > 1, a list of "coord" objects is returned, all of which will have the same latorlon attribute (i.e., either all 'lat" or all "lon"). The exception is the case in which argument .latorlon is both and length(x) = 2, when a list of two "coord" objects is returned, having latorlon attributes one each of "lat" and "lon"; the list itself is an object of class "latnlon".

The total value in degrees, minutes and seconds may not be greater than 180˚, while the minutes and seconds components (if present) must be less than 60˚. If latitude is represented, (i.e., latorlon attribute is "lat"), its maximum absolute value is 90˚.

See also

Other coord: as_degminsec()


## Decimal degrees (default)
#>   51.507765°
#>   -0.127924°
coord(51.507765,, "lat")
#>   51.507765° lat
coord(-0.127924,, "lon")
#>   -0.127924° lon
coord(c(51.507765, -0.127924),, "both")
#>   51.507765° lat    -0.127924° lon
c(51.507765, 49.546210, 48.107232, 38.889494, 0.000000, -37.111740, -53.104781) |>
    coord(, "lat")
#> [[1]]
#>   51.507765° lat
#> [[2]]
#>   49.546210° lat
#> [[3]]
#>   48.107232° lat
#> [[4]]
#>   38.889494° lat
#> [[5]]
#>    0.000000° lat
#> [[6]]
#>  -37.111740° lat
#> [[7]]
#>  -53.104781° lat
c(-0.127924, 18.398562, -122.778671, -77.035242, 0.000000, -12.28863, 73.517283) |>
    coord(, "lon")
#> [[1]]
#>   -0.127924° lon
#> [[2]]
#>   18.398562° lon
#> [[3]]
#> -122.778671° lon
#> [[4]]
#>  -77.035242° lon
#> [[5]]
#>    0.000000° lon
#> [[6]]
#>  -12.288630° lon
#> [[7]]
#>   73.517283° lon

## Degrees and minutes
coord(5130.4659, "degmin")
#>  51°30.4659' (N/E)
coord(-7.6754, "degmin")
#>   0°07.6754' (W/S)
coord(5130.4659, "degmin", "lat")
#>  51°30.4659' N
coord(-7.6754, "degmin", "lon")
#>   0°07.6754' W
coord(c(5130.4659, -7.6754), "degmin", "both")
#>  51°30.4659' N    0°07.6754' W
c(5130.4659, 4932.7726, 4806.4339, 3853.3696, 0.0000, -3706.7044, -5306.2869) |>
    coord("degmin", "lat")
#> [[1]]
#>  51°30.4659' N
#> [[2]]
#>  49°32.7726' N
#> [[3]]
#>  48°06.4339' N
#> [[4]]
#>  38°53.3696' N
#> [[5]]
#>   0°00.0000' N
#> [[6]]
#>  37°06.7044' S
#> [[7]]
#>  53°06.2869' S
c(-7.6754, 1823.9137, -12246.7203, -7702.1145, 0.0000, -1217.3178, 7331.0370) |>
    coord("degmin", "lon")
#> [[1]]
#>   0°07.6754' W
#> [[2]]
#>  18°23.9137' E
#> [[3]]
#> 122°46.7203' W
#> [[4]]
#>  77°02.1145' W
#> [[5]]
#>   0°00.0000' E
#> [[6]]
#>  12°17.3178' W
#> [[7]]
#>  73°31.0370' E

## Degrees, minutes and seconds
coord(513027.95, "degminsec")
#>  51°30'27.95" (N/E)
coord(-740.53, "degminsec")
#>   0°07'40.53" (W/S)
coord(513027.95, "degminsec", "lat")
#>  51°30'27.95" N
coord(-740.53, "degminsec", "lon")
#>   0°07'40.53" W
coord(c(513027.95, -740.53), "degminsec", "both")
#>  51°30'27.95" N    0°07'40.53" W
c(513027.95, 493246.36, 480626.04, 385322.18, 0.00, -370642.26, -530617.21) |> 
    coord("degminsec", "lat")
#> [[1]]
#>  51°30'27.95" N
#> [[2]]
#>  49°32'46.36" N
#> [[3]]
#>  48°06'26.04" N
#> [[4]]
#>  38°53'22.18" N
#> [[5]]
#>   0°00'00.00" N
#> [[6]]
#>  37°06'42.26" S
#> [[7]]
#>  53°06'17.21" S
c(-740.53, 182354.82, -1224643.22, -770206.87, 0.00, -121719.07, 733102.22) |> 
    coord("degminsec", "lon")
#> [[1]]
#>   0°07'40.53" W
#> [[2]]
#>  18°23'54.82" E
#> [[3]]
#> 122°46'43.22" W
#> [[4]]
#>  77°02'06.87" W
#> [[5]]
#>   0°00'00.00" E
#> [[6]]
#>  12°17'19.07" W
#> [[7]]
#>  73°31'02.22" E