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The design effect is the ratio of the total number of subjects required using cluster randomisation to the number required using individual randomisation.


design_effect(m, ri)



integer representing cluster size.


intracluster (=intraclass) correlation coefficient.


Numeric value of design effect.


The design effect can be presented neatly in terms of the intracluster correlation and the number in a single cluster: -

$$D = 1 + (m − 1)r_{I}$$

If there is only one observation per cluster, m = 1, the design effect is 1.0 and the two designs are the same. Otherwise, the larger the intracluster correlation — that is, the more important the variation between clusters is — the bigger the design effect and the more subjects we will need to get the same power as a simply randomised study. Even a small intracluster correlation will have an impact if the cluster size is large.


Description and Details taken verbatim from the second reference.


Kerry, S.M. & Bland, J.M., 1998. Sample size in cluster randomisation. Brit Med J 316: 5490. doi:10.1136/bmj.316.7130.549 .

Kerry, S.M. & Bland, J.M., 1998. The intracluster correlation coefficient in cluster randomisation. Brit Med J 316: 1455-1460. doi:10.1136/bmj.316.7142.1455 .

See also

Other sample-size: sample_size()


## Example: x-ray guidelines study from second reference.
design_effect(m = 50L, ri = 0.019)
#> [1] 1.931