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Functions to return individual values from the output of amort.period() or amort.table() in package FinancialMath.


get_amortval(x, val = "Eff Rate")

get_amortint(x, until)



either a matrix of input variables, calculated unknown variables, and amortization figures for a given period, as output by amort.period() or a list of two components, Schedule (a data frame of an amortization schedule) and Other, (a matrix of the input variables and other calculated variables) as output by amort.table().


a character string giving the exact name of the value to be returned.


a numeric signifying the period up to and including which total interest should be summated.


A numeric value.


get_amortval() returns individual values from the output of amort.period() or the Other list element of the output of amort.table() in package FinancialMath.

get_amortint() returns the total value of interest payments from the Schedule list element of the output of amort.table(), up to and including the period given in until.

See also


(apd <- try(
    FinancialMath::amort.period(Loan = 200099, n = 15 * 12, i = 0.0184, ic = 12, pf = 12, t = 60)
#>             Amortization
#> Loan        2.000990e+05
#> PMT         1.272965e+03
#> Eff Rate    1.855600e-02
#> i^(12)      1.840000e-02
#> Periods     1.800000e+02
#> Years       1.500000e+01
#> At Time 60: 6.000000e+01
#> Int Paid    2.154122e+02
#> Princ Paid  1.057553e+03
#> Balance     1.394286e+05

## Default value is "Eff Rate"
#> [1] 0.018556
get_amortval(apd, "PMT")  
#> [1] 1272.965
get_amortval(apd, "Balance")  
#> [1] 139428.6

atb <- try(FinancialMath::amort.table(Loan = 200099, n = 15 * 12, i = 0.0184, ic = 12, pf = 12))
#>                     Details
#> Loan           2.000990e+05
#> Total Paid     2.291337e+05
#> Total Interest 2.903468e+04
#> Eff Rate       1.855597e-02
#> i^(12)         1.840000e-02

## Default value is "Eff Rate"
#> [1] 0.01855597
get_amortval(atb, "Total Paid")
#> [1] 229133.7
get_amortval(atb, "Total Interest")
#> [1] 29034.68

get_amortint(atb, 60)
#> [1] 15707.5

rm(apd, atb)