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contingency_table() compiles a contingency table for two or more categorical variables, the first of which is typically an outcome (dependent) varable to be used for the column headings, while the remainder are typically explanatory (independent) variables that will appear in the contingency table either as factors or optionally as row headings.

xcontingency_table() compiles a contingency table for a categorical outcome varable and multiple categorical explanatory variables that are “crossed” to obtain a single explanatory factor.


contingency_table(.data, .dep_var, ..., .wt = NULL, .rownames = FALSE)

  .crossname = NULL,
  .wt = NULL,
  .rownames = FALSE



a data frame, or a data frame extension (e.g. a tibble).


<data-masking> quoted name of the dependent variable, which may be a character vector, factor, or numeric.


<tidy-select> quoted name(s) of one or more factors or character vectors in .data, to be included in (or excluded from) the output.


<data-masking> quoted name of a numeric column in .data containing frequency weights; default NULL.


logical. If TRUE, value is a data frame with the levels of the first (or crossed) independent variable as row names, rather than a tibble; default FALSE.


a character string to be used as the name of the column of for the crossed variables. If omitted, the names of the crossed variables are used combined in “snake case”.


For contingency_table(), an object of class "contingency_table", "announce", inheriting from tibble, or a data.frame, depending on whether .rownames = FALSE (default) or TRUE.

Similarly for xcontingency_table(), an object of class "xcontingency_table", "announce" inheriting from tibble or a data.frame, again depending on the value of rownames.


Categorical variables (i.e. factors or character vectors) in .data required as factors in the resulting contingency table may be selected for inclusion or exclusion using the ... argument and the <tidy-select> syntax from package dplyr, including use of “selection helpers”. If no ... arguments are supplied, all categorical variables in .data (other than .dep_var) will be used.

A list of defused R expressions, as for instance created by expl_fcts(), may be used as the ... arguments and should be injected using the splice-operator, !!!, see examples.

If .wt = NULL, the number of rows for each unique combination of the dependent and independent variables are counted. If .wt is the quoted name of a numeric variable representing frequency weights, these are summated for each unique combination of the dependent and independent variables.

If .rownames = TRUE, the resulting contingency table will be a conventional data.frame rather than a tibble and the first categorical variable (other than .dep_var) will be used for row headings rather than as a factor. Having row headings allows the result to be passed as an argument to chisq.test(), fisher.test() or chsqfish(), e.g., conveniently using |> in a piped sequence (see examples). However, using .rownames = TRUE for a contingency table with more than one explanatory (independent) variable will most likely result in the error message “duplicate 'row.names' are not allowed”, in which case xcontingency_table() should be used instead.

Multiple categorical explanatory variables in a contingency table compiled by xcontingency_table() are “crossed” using fct_cross().

See also

defused R expressions, fct_cross(), splice-operator and tibble; Print_Methods for S3 method for printing objects of class "contingency_table".

Other contingency_table: binom_contingency(), expl_fcts()


(d <- tibble(
    iv = letters[1:4] |> sample(10, replace = TRUE),
    dv = c(0L:3L) |> sample(10, replace = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 2
#>    iv       dv
#>    <chr> <int>
#>  1 b         2
#>  2 a         1
#>  3 b         0
#>  4 b         2
#>  5 d         2
#>  6 b         0
#>  7 d         2
#>  8 c         3
#>  9 a         3
#> 10 d         1

d |> contingency_table(dv)
#> ____________________
#> Contingency Table: -
#> # A tibble: 4 × 5
#>   iv      `2`   `1`   `0`   `3`
#> * <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1 b         2     0     2     0
#> 2 a         0     1     0     1
#> 3 d         2     1     0     0
#> 4 c         0     0     0     1

d |> contingency_table(dv, .rownames = TRUE)
#>   2 1 0 3
#> b 2 0 2 0
#> a 0 1 0 1
#> d 2 1 0 0
#> c 0 0 0 1

## Use .data pronoun for more informative error messages
d |> contingency_table(.data$dv)
#> ____________________
#> Contingency Table: -
#> # A tibble: 4 × 5
#>   iv      `2`   `1`   `0`   `3`
#> * <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1 b         2     0     2     0
#> 2 a         0     1     0     1
#> 3 d         2     1     0     0
#> 4 c         0     0     0     1

try(d |> contingency_table(dx))
#> Error : object 'dx' not found

try(d |> contingency_table(.data$dx))
#> Error in .data$dx : Column `dx` not found in `.data`.

(d <- tibble(
    iv = letters[1:4] |> sample(10, replace = TRUE) |> as.factor(),
    dv = c("Success", "Fail", "Borderline")  |> sample(10, replace = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 2
#>    iv    dv        
#>    <fct> <chr>     
#>  1 d     Borderline
#>  2 b     Borderline
#>  3 d     Borderline
#>  4 d     Fail      
#>  5 d     Fail      
#>  6 d     Borderline
#>  7 b     Fail      
#>  8 a     Success   
#>  9 c     Success   
#> 10 c     Borderline

d |> contingency_table(dv)
#> ____________________
#> Contingency Table: -
#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#>   iv    Borderline  Fail Success
#> * <fct>      <int> <int>   <int>
#> 1 d              3     2       0
#> 2 b              1     1       0
#> 3 a              0     0       1
#> 4 c              1     0       1

d |> contingency_table(dv, .rownames = TRUE)
#>   Borderline Fail Success
#> d          3    2       0
#> b          1    1       0
#> a          0    0       1
#> c          1    0       1

(d <- tibble(
    iv = letters[1:4] |> sample(100, replace = TRUE),
    dv = c("Success", "Fail", "Borderline")  |> sample(100, replace = TRUE)
  ) |> count(iv, dv))
#> # A tibble: 12 × 3
#>    iv    dv             n
#>    <chr> <chr>      <int>
#>  1 a     Borderline    14
#>  2 a     Fail           8
#>  3 a     Success       13
#>  4 b     Borderline     7
#>  5 b     Fail           9
#>  6 b     Success        7
#>  7 c     Borderline     7
#>  8 c     Fail           1
#>  9 c     Success        8
#> 10 d     Borderline     9
#> 11 d     Fail           5
#> 12 d     Success       12

d |> contingency_table(dv, .wt = n)
#> ____________________
#> Contingency Table: -
#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#>   iv    Borderline  Fail Success
#> * <chr>      <int> <int>   <int>
#> 1 a             14     8      13
#> 2 b              7     9       7
#> 3 c              7     1       8
#> 4 d              9     5      12

d |> contingency_table(dv, .wt = n, .rownames = TRUE) |>
    print_lf() |>
#>   Borderline Fail Success
#> a         14    8      13
#> b          7    9       7
#> c          7    1       8
#> d          9    5      12
#> Warning: Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect
#> 	Pearson's Chi-squared test
#> data:  print_lf(contingency_table(d, dv, .wt = n, .rownames = TRUE))
#> X-squared = 6.5483, df = 6, p-value = 0.3646

## Use .data pronoun for more informative error messages
d |> contingency_table(dv, .wt = .data$n)
#> ____________________
#> Contingency Table: -
#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#>   iv    Borderline  Fail Success
#> * <chr>      <int> <int>   <int>
#> 1 a             14     8      13
#> 2 b              7     9       7
#> 3 c              7     1       8
#> 4 d              9     5      12

try(d |> contingency_table(dv, .wt = .data$x))
#> Error in .data$x : Column `x` not found in `.data`.


## Using gss_cat dataset from {forcats} package

gss_cat |> contingency_table(race, relig, denom)
#> ____________________
#> Contingency Table: -
#> # A tibble: 47 × 5
#>    relig              denom             White Black Other
#>  * <fct>              <fct>             <int> <int> <int>
#>  1 Protestant         Southern baptist   1151   355    30
#>  2 Protestant         Baptist-dk which    723   697    37
#>  3 Protestant         No denomination    1020   149    55
#>  4 Orthodox-christian Not applicable       92     2     1
#>  5 None               Not applicable     2816   384   323
#>  6 Christian          Not applicable      147    49    28
#>  7 Protestant         Lutheran-mo synod   208     2     2
#>  8 Protestant         Other              1886   468   180
#>  9 Protestant         United methodist   1007    49    11
#> 10 Jewish             Not applicable      370    10     8
#> # ℹ 37 more rows

gss_cat |> contingency_table(race, !c(marital, rincome:partyid))
#> ____________________
#> Contingency Table: -
#> # A tibble: 47 × 5
#>    relig              denom             White Black Other
#>  * <fct>              <fct>             <int> <int> <int>
#>  1 Protestant         Southern baptist   1151   355    30
#>  2 Protestant         Baptist-dk which    723   697    37
#>  3 Protestant         No denomination    1020   149    55
#>  4 Orthodox-christian Not applicable       92     2     1
#>  5 None               Not applicable     2816   384   323
#>  6 Christian          Not applicable      147    49    28
#>  7 Protestant         Lutheran-mo synod   208     2     2
#>  8 Protestant         Other              1886   468   180
#>  9 Protestant         United methodist   1007    49    11
#> 10 Jewish             Not applicable      370    10     8
#> # ℹ 37 more rows

## Invokes warning and error message about duplicate 'row.names'
try(gss_cat |> contingency_table(race, relig, denom, .rownames = TRUE)) 
#> Warning: non-unique values when setting 'row.names': ‘Christian’, ‘Other’, ‘Protestant’
#> Error in `.rowNamesDF<-`(x, value = value) : 
#>   duplicate 'row.names' are not allowed

## Using xcontingency_table() avoids warning and error
gss_cat |> xcontingency_table(race, relig, denom)
#> ____________________________
#> Crossed Contingency Table: -
#> # A tibble: 47 × 4
#>    relig_denom                       White Black Other
#>  * <fct>                             <int> <int> <int>
#>  1 Protestant:Southern baptist        1151   355    30
#>  2 Protestant:Baptist-dk which         723   697    37
#>  3 Protestant:No denomination         1020   149    55
#>  4 Orthodox-christian:Not applicable    92     2     1
#>  5 None:Not applicable                2816   384   323
#>  6 Christian:Not applicable            147    49    28
#>  7 Protestant:Lutheran-mo synod        208     2     2
#>  8 Protestant:Other                   1886   468   180
#>  9 Protestant:United methodist        1007    49    11
#> 10 Jewish:Not applicable               370    10     8
#> # ℹ 37 more rows

gss_cat |> xcontingency_table(race, !c(marital, rincome:partyid))
#> ____________________________
#> Crossed Contingency Table: -
#> # A tibble: 47 × 4
#>    relig_denom                       White Black Other
#>  * <fct>                             <int> <int> <int>
#>  1 Protestant:Southern baptist        1151   355    30
#>  2 Protestant:Baptist-dk which         723   697    37
#>  3 Protestant:No denomination         1020   149    55
#>  4 Orthodox-christian:Not applicable    92     2     1
#>  5 None:Not applicable                2816   384   323
#>  6 Christian:Not applicable            147    49    28
#>  7 Protestant:Lutheran-mo synod        208     2     2
#>  8 Protestant:Other                   1886   468   180
#>  9 Protestant:United methodist        1007    49    11
#> 10 Jewish:Not applicable               370    10     8
#> # ℹ 37 more rows

gss_cat |> xcontingency_table(race, relig, denom, .crossname = "Denomination")
#> ____________________________
#> Crossed Contingency Table: -
#> # A tibble: 47 × 4
#>    Denomination                      White Black Other
#>  * <fct>                             <int> <int> <int>
#>  1 Protestant:Southern baptist        1151   355    30
#>  2 Protestant:Baptist-dk which         723   697    37
#>  3 Protestant:No denomination         1020   149    55
#>  4 Orthodox-christian:Not applicable    92     2     1
#>  5 None:Not applicable                2816   384   323
#>  6 Christian:Not applicable            147    49    28
#>  7 Protestant:Lutheran-mo synod        208     2     2
#>  8 Protestant:Other                   1886   468   180
#>  9 Protestant:United methodist        1007    49    11
#> 10 Jewish:Not applicable               370    10     8
#> # ℹ 37 more rows

gss_cat |>
    xcontingency_table(race, relig, denom, .rownames = TRUE) |>
#>                                   White Black Other
#> Protestant:Southern baptist        1151   355    30
#> Protestant:Baptist-dk which         723   697    37
#> Protestant:No denomination         1020   149    55
#> Orthodox-christian:Not applicable    92     2     1
#> None:Not applicable                2816   384   323
#> Christian:Not applicable            147    49    28
#> Protestant:Lutheran-mo synod        208     2     2
#> Protestant:Other                   1886   468   180
#> Protestant:United methodist        1007    49    11
#> Jewish:Not applicable               370    10     8

## Two more esoteric examples
ivars <- exprs(relig, denom)
gss_cat |> contingency_table(race, !!!ivars)
#> ____________________
#> Contingency Table: -
#> # A tibble: 47 × 5
#>    relig              denom             White Black Other
#>  * <fct>              <fct>             <int> <int> <int>
#>  1 Protestant         Southern baptist   1151   355    30
#>  2 Protestant         Baptist-dk which    723   697    37
#>  3 Protestant         No denomination    1020   149    55
#>  4 Orthodox-christian Not applicable       92     2     1
#>  5 None               Not applicable     2816   384   323
#>  6 Christian          Not applicable      147    49    28
#>  7 Protestant         Lutheran-mo synod   208     2     2
#>  8 Protestant         Other              1886   468   180
#>  9 Protestant         United methodist   1007    49    11
#> 10 Jewish             Not applicable      370    10     8
#> # ℹ 37 more rows

ivars <- c("relig", "denom")
gss_cat |> contingency_table(race, any_of(ivars))
#> ____________________
#> Contingency Table: -
#> # A tibble: 47 × 5
#>    relig              denom             White Black Other
#>  * <fct>              <fct>             <int> <int> <int>
#>  1 Protestant         Southern baptist   1151   355    30
#>  2 Protestant         Baptist-dk which    723   697    37
#>  3 Protestant         No denomination    1020   149    55
#>  4 Orthodox-christian Not applicable       92     2     1
#>  5 None               Not applicable     2816   384   323
#>  6 Christian          Not applicable      147    49    28
#>  7 Protestant         Lutheran-mo synod   208     2     2
#>  8 Protestant         Other              1886   468   180
#>  9 Protestant         United methodist   1007    49    11
#> 10 Jewish             Not applicable      370    10     8
#> # ℹ 37 more rows
