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latlon()<- adds the attribute "latlon" to objects of class "coords", or modifies an existing "latlon" attribute.


latlon(cd) <- value



object of class "coords".


a logical vector of length 1 or length(cd).


Argument cd is returned with logical vector attribute "latlon" updated as appropriate.


Attribute "latlon" is a logical vector of length 1 or length(cd) for which TRUE values represent latitude and FALSE values represent longitude. Setting this attribute to any other length will result in an error. A logical vector of length 1L signifies that values are all latitude if TRUE, or all longitude if FALSE.

This attribute is used in formatting printed output and also by validate(). Indeed, the values of cd are revalidated every time attribute "latlon" is added or changed.

See also


## Continuing example from `coords()`...
## Create "coords" object in degrees and minutes

as_coords(dm, fmt = 2)
#> Nelson's Column                           51°30.4659′ (N/E)
#> Ostravice                                 49°32.7726′ (N/E)
#> Tally Ho                                  48°06.4339′ (N/E)
#> Washington Monument                       38°53.3696′ (N/E)
#> Null Island                                0°00.0000′ (N/E)
#> Tristan da Cunha                          37°06.7044′ (S/W)
#> Mawson Peak                               53°06.2869′ (S/W)
#> Silvio Pettirossi International Airport   25°14.4093′ (S/W)
#> Nelson's Column                            0°07.6754′ (S/W)
#> Ostravice                                 18°23.9137′ (N/E)
#> Tally Ho                                 122°46.7203′ (S/W)
#> Washington Monument                       77°02.1145′ (S/W)
#> Null Island                                0°00.0000′ (N/E)
#> Tristan da Cunha                          12°17.3178′ (S/W)
#> Mawson Peak                               73°31.0370′ (N/E)
#> Silvio Pettirossi International Airport   57°31.1536′ (S/W)

## Set "latlon" attribute to FALSE, length 1; all values are longitude
latlon(dm) <- FALSE
#> Nelson's Column                           51°30.4659′ E
#> Ostravice                                 49°32.7726′ E
#> Tally Ho                                  48°06.4339′ E
#> Washington Monument                       38°53.3696′ E
#> Null Island                                0°00.0000′ E
#> Tristan da Cunha                          37°06.7044′ W
#> Mawson Peak                               53°06.2869′ W
#> Silvio Pettirossi International Airport   25°14.4093′ W
#> Nelson's Column                            0°07.6754′ W
#> Ostravice                                 18°23.9137′ E
#> Tally Ho                                 122°46.7203′ W
#> Washington Monument                       77°02.1145′ W
#> Null Island                                0°00.0000′ E
#> Tristan da Cunha                          12°17.3178′ W
#> Mawson Peak                               73°31.0370′ E
#> Silvio Pettirossi International Airport   57°31.1536′ W

## Set "latlon" attribute to TRUE (n=8) and FALSE (n=8)
## i.e., 8 each of latitude and longitude
latlon(dm) <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), each = 8)
#> Nelson's Column                           51°30.4659′ N
#> Ostravice                                 49°32.7726′ N
#> Tally Ho                                  48°06.4339′ N
#> Washington Monument                       38°53.3696′ N
#> Null Island                                0°00.0000′ N
#> Tristan da Cunha                          37°06.7044′ S
#> Mawson Peak                               53°06.2869′ S
#> Silvio Pettirossi International Airport   25°14.4093′ S
#> Nelson's Column                            0°07.6754′ W
#> Ostravice                                 18°23.9137′ E
#> Tally Ho                                 122°46.7203′ W
#> Washington Monument                       77°02.1145′ W
#> Null Island                                0°00.0000′ E
#> Tristan da Cunha                          12°17.3178′ W
#> Mawson Peak                               73°31.0370′ E
#> Silvio Pettirossi International Airport   57°31.1536′ W

## Reversing latitude and longitude results in an invalid latitude,
## throwing a warning
latlon(dm) <- rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), each = 8)
#> Warning: Validation failed!
#> Warning: Formatting invalid coords!
#> Nelson's Column                           51°30.4659′ E
#> Ostravice                                 49°32.7726′ E
#> Tally Ho                                  48°06.4339′ E
#> Washington Monument                       38°53.3696′ E
#> Null Island                                0°00.0000′ E
#> Tristan da Cunha                          37°06.7044′ W
#> Mawson Peak                               53°06.2869′ W
#> Silvio Pettirossi International Airport   25°14.4093′ W
#> Nelson's Column                            0°07.6754′ S
#> Ostravice                                 18°23.9137′ N
#> Tally Ho                                 122°46.7203′ S
#> Washington Monument                       77°02.1145′ S
#> Null Island                                0°00.0000′ N
#> Tristan da Cunha                          12°17.3178′ S
#> Mawson Peak                               73°31.0370′ N
#> Silvio Pettirossi International Airport   57°31.1536′ S
